It was the 15th February 2014 in the city of Leeds. Aaron was visiting Leeds for the weekend to play in a basketball game, and decided to enjoy the city's nightlife with his friends. Phylicia was also enjoying the nightlife while celebrating a friend's birthday. As fate would have it, their paths crossed. It was love at first sight for Aaron....it may have taken Phylicia a little longer for love to settle in.With Phylicia studying in Leeds and Aaron working in London, they were a 4 hour drive away from each other. They spent the next few days talking on the phone for hours at a time. One week after meeting, Aaron drove back to Leeds to take Phylicia on their first date. They stayed in constant contact via phone and Skype, and made the occasional trip to see each other.

After graduating with her Master's degree, Phylicia received a job offer in London allowing the couple to spend more time with one another. However, their close proximity would not last long as Aaron got an offer to train to become a pilot. This would mean 18 months of intensive training away from London and a job based at an unknown city somewhere in Europe. Again the relationship was tested with the couple living hours apart and savouring the occasions they were able to spend together.
In March 2017 Aaron found out the good news that he would be based at London Gatwick airport. The couple have been joined at the hip ever since!

On July 28th after a few months of secretive planning... Aaron popped the question to Phylicia in a truly special and memorable way!